Eyes Cream Sundae

would be better and more creepy without the **** spook face in the topping.

Eyeballs eyeballs eyeballs, eyeballs everywhere! Eyeballs eyeballs eyeballs, floating through the air!

This Cramps aficionado positively NEEDS this shirt. Even in baby blue.

I would buy one if I was Jeffrey Dahmer.

This would be better suited to the Halloween market imo.

Awesome! I have way too many shirt.woot’s but what’s one more when it’s eyes :smiley:

Montana has the most open country… Uh-oh.

I would love it if it didn’t have the eyeballs, just a plain shake with a plain monster face… however, I may decide I like it enough as it is to woot it. Only time will tell.

Love the art style! Not sure this makes the best shirt, but I’d definitely hire him for my graphics.

This design is positively awesome! Too bad I have bought so many shirts from woot lately.

Consider yourself lucky that you didn’t get one of his other t-shirt designs. His website looks like Rob Zombie’s 8th grade sketch book.


Why oh why does this have to be on baby blue.

I’ve had my eye on a shirt like this for a while now.

How small is a guys small? Could I fit it on my 7yo son…he wears 7 in boys. I don’t mind it a lil long, I’m a pro at shrinking…lol.

This shirt is badass! Not too many fat people will buy this one, I bet.

And I look absolutely stunning in that light blue color.

It’s a conspiracy! Every time I go out and have a few drinks, come home a bit drunk, Woot! puts up a shirt that is perfect for me. 3 times this has happened. I don’t haveta worry about who I brought home, it’s what shirt did I buy the night before. This will make me popular at Franklin Fountain, a local old time soda fountain and ice cream shop. I think a photo may be in order

I really love this shirt quite a bit. The colors and that creepy whipped topping is terrific. I’m still on the fence about buying one but congrats to the artist because this is a pretty cool shirt.

Reminds me of that part in Chrono Trigger.

but dude it was still an awesome performance. totally kicked jack nicklesons ass when he played him in the older movie.

What part?

I dig it, I got it.


I love his other designs. This one looks like one of his throw-aways, or something he designed specifically for the conservative woot crowd.