EZYFlare Roadside Flare – 2 Pack

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New EZYFlare Roadside Flare - 2 Pack, for $9.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 2x EZYFlare Roadside Flare

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Have you ever use a flare??

Have you had someone you know use a flare??

Case Closed.
Move along…nothing to see here…

Ooh, shiny!

Thing is, I don’t mind if someone runs over a phosphorus flare. This would be a bummer to get crushed at the side of the road.

It’s definitely getting hotter. And that means a lot of tires will be blowing out on the freeway. Good pick up.

Does anyone know how long they would last on one set of batteries? Or if the batteries would eventually go dead while sitting idle in the flare?

if you stare at this for long periods of time, will you have eye problems?

What? These aren’t flares, they’re bop-its with one button.

The DOT COM: http://www.ezyflare.com/main.shtml

(Edit: link typo fixed)

you must have at least 20 pieces of flares!
In for TEN! oh… flair?

It would make more sense if it just said EZFlare

These aren’t as exciting as the good old fashioned road flares that light on fire. But then again those didn’t have lifetime warranties.

Seems like a good deal. Each one sells for between $10-$20 per Google Shopping. I must figure it’s quite a steal if you get all 6.

Yeah, the one I have is painfully bright.

Yes I have. Word of advise, don’t stack flares then light 20 off at once - in dry grass.

Doesn’t this ruin the whole fun of flares…


How do these work in extreme cold?

A battery operated flare? Its an emergency, and I first have to find a Quickee Mart to get batteries? D’oh!

Maybe I missed it, but how big are these? Are they the size of a dollar, or a whole freakin tire?