February 2019 CRAPS! Post them HERE!! 💩

Unfortunately no. I only have my mobile device

I has sad.

Can you use your phone’s browser to go to Woot.com instead of using the app?


or forums.woot.com


When the new app came out this method worked for posting to the forums. You have to make sure that you grant your browser permission to view pictures/camera when you go through this method. Mobile viewing of the forums is very similar to the app view. (On Android) When you select the icon to upload a photo, it should ask you to review permissions. Allow the browser permission and it you should be able to upload from your camera/pictures folder.

If it doesn’t ask you, you’ll have to go through permissions in your phone settings to allow your browser access.


The weather is really putting a damper on my delivery of disappointment. Was one of the “lucky” winners of the Thunderthighs give-a-way from 2/8 and still anxiously awaiting my package! Fed-Ex is killing me with delays! Hopefully today it’ll be waiting for me after work and I’ll post pics of my box of letdowns. :confused:



I will have to give it another try after I get back from vacation. Thanks for the info

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Oh man…best box of disappointment ever!!!

Was picked as the lucky winner of the Friday giveaway! I’ve been awaiting and awaiting this package and it was worth the wait! Thank you Woot for:

A Bag!
Woot monkey! Yes!
Squishy poo
UFO detector…which I really really need especially on a full moon
Chargers hat
Diamond mining hoodie
Bad ass knife
Knife protector (too small for bad ass knife)
Ice scraper
TCU flag
Headphone replacement pads
Fancy cycling shirt
Cute cat card
Stonehenge card set
Silly Putty!
2 side cutters
Standard hex key set
Travel body cleansing washcloths
A giant bag of balloons…which my kids are already fighting over
Gorilla pod camera holder
Shower hooks
Toy flip phone - I believe this is a replica of the one owned by Zack Morris
Fancy Pear and Apple decorations
Texas winter cap
Colorado Rapids garbage can

Seriously this is the best…I can’t decide if my favorite is the bad ass knife or the UFO detector. As least if we are invaded, I’ll be able to protect myself…well unless they have ray guns or can melt brains, then I’m screwed but at least I’ll know they are coming.


I just got a delivery notification! There’s a bag of crap waiting for me at home! I can’t wait for the disappointment!


Delivery notification lied, there is no bag of crap here. This wasn’t the disappointment I was prepared for. Hopefully it will come tomorrow.

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I always remember him having a giant brick phone


But it looks like he might have had the flip phone during the summer at the beach series

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Ok TT, this one’s for you.

Let’s recap. I received the Roswell Alien. TT, you asked me to build it and post. Please take note of the smiling happy face on the box:

Here it is in the plastic housing (it would not stay together and stand up)

Here’s with the front half of the body removed

And finally the smiling happy face. Notice the fangs coming out of the skull and jaw kind of like The Predator

Yes, this is the kind of thing that scares kids at bedtime (stories about aliens with fangs)…

I had to fix that last line, I didn’t really read it before posting, I blame the lack of coffee first thing in the morning.



Yes, it must be the one from the rad beach series. Kelly Kapowski would be impressed!


UFO detector FTW!

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. Sorry.

I was lucky enough to write the user manual for Radio Shack’s first cell phone. The buyer had to explain to me how they worked. This was back when we explained to everyone how they worked with a diagram and everything.

I got to carry it around for a week or so to play with it. I thought I was soooooo cool. LOL



O M G! THAT IS GLORIOUS! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! What all did you have to do? Glue? Paint? Oh, I love that so much.


Just some basic gluing, none of the limbs are glued together so they can move, including the jaw. Same with all the organs, which fell out several times :astonished: No painting required. I hoped that would be able to stand it up (the two body halves are supposed to snap together) but after the 4th attempt and the organs falling out all over the table, and the kids laughing at me, I gave up.


I hope your kids were impressed with your mad model skills and the alien before they started laughing at you.



My bag of crap was mainly sports stuff. Appropriately disappointing, I don’t do or understand the sports things.
Still worth the purchase for the anticipation and the screaming monkey, although Monkey (the kitten) claimed the screaming monkey before I could. I’m not quite sure what to do with most of it, especially the white shorts that look used and dirty. Yay for crap?
It included these things: