Got overnight shipping? Don’t forget to post a picture of your shirt when you receive it!
If your shirt is sold out, you can go here to purchase your shirt starting midnight central time on the next day.
I like this shirt… pretty broke right now due to some unexpected expenses. Hope it’s still available when I wake up so I can sleep on it and still get to make a choice.
Hahaha, I know a lot of people are going to wonder how asphalt made it again.
This design is really cool, I think the flames will look really nice printed, but this design even on asphalt does not appeal to me at all. Kind of strange, I never thought I could pass up an asphalt shirt. This was in the top 3 I believe the entire derby and I had assumed it would take first.
Theres only one shirt I’m looking to get in this derby, hopefully it takes 2nd or 3rd.
Congrats on the 1st place!
EDIT: There were many shirts in this derby that were absolutely stunning. Too bad only 3 can win!