Fire Wire Stainless Steel Flexible Grilling Skewers – 6 Pack

if it will stick on a skewer, it will stick on this. i wouldn’t kabab fish though :\

hug me you meerkat

These are fantastic! Ordered a set a couple weeks back. Highly recommended if you love to grill like my honey does :wink:

sigh must have been wishfully hoping for bacon.

These are perfect for skewering your favorite rodent to throw on the grill with a few veggies.

Hey kids! You could do some totally righteous body mods with these things. Grab 3 sets before they’re all gone!

Previous Woot

Firewire lives

Fraggle nooses.

This was a woot from a few days ago…wtf…

Come on people its grillin season.

Estimates are at 2 hours for this little gem. Time to go get real work done I guess

All right, chemistry nerds…stainless steel is rust proof, right?

I’m thinking about these to go with my woot grilling planks…

How many times can you re-use these on a gas grill? It’s summertime (or nearly so actually) and it is time to get a-grillin’

I keep wanting to get these, but I hold back because I don’t want to pay the $20 for the product plus shipping if I am only gettting one use out of them.

but woot! you’ve already had plenty of time for your two-martini lunch. Why another killer?

A haiku

Stainless steel skewer.
Cook some chicken on the grill;
I have no punchline.

I know a couple of special operations guys in Afghanistan who love these… they don’t use them at barbeques.

Tell the truth… Have you ever used them?

A 6-pack of nooses, most suited for the small heads selecting the junk in this woot-off.

agreed…we grill nonstop in the summertime and I recently blew away my friend who came over and asked…what are those for? They rock.