Flower Carrier

Awh why would he kill that poor defenseless flower? Evil robots!

Man, the Japanese and their crazy inventions.

I’ve heard of steam punk, but is there such a thing as “steam emo”?

I don’t recognize the famous art title. Anyone got a reference?

how odd that in all that barren landscape he just happens to crash by the one flower :slight_smile:

Iron Giant or no, it would do better with a steel alloy. Much stronger and would definitely last a lot longer.

This. And Dsladek did it better, IMO.

It’s The Flower Carrier by Diego Rivera.


It promotes being green and pollution at the same time!

Imma pass on this one :confused:

People will see me in this shirt and be like -
“OHH like in Wall-E”

Yay, this was a wonderful illustration, Patrick! Congrats on a print! Always love your work, especially those textures. Awesome.

So cute! But I’m totally a sucker for robots. And while everyone else thought of Wall-E and whatnot, I actually thought of the robots from Castle in the Sky.

But not all of us were there for that one.

And the 1000 year cultivation of the desert begins. Go Robo, make Fiona proud.

I was scouring the comments to see who made the first Chrono reference. Nice job! That’s immediately what I thought of too when I saw this shirt! Time to dust off the 'ol Super NES. :slight_smile:

Used to live in Sandy, Utah! Went to Alta High…

No longer live there though for obvious reasons… :x

Broke as I am at the moment, I had to buy one for myself :slight_smile: I voted for this when I saw it on derby and was hoping it would get printed. SO GLAD IT DID! I’m sure in person this print is gonna look even more amazing! Cant wait till it arrives!

I thought it was Rodin’s The Thinker. huh

I dont think well get as much as people think of that.

This guys much more manly and macho than wall-e. Who while brave and noble, reminds me of my grandpa.

This guy is bigger, tougher, and meaner. With a flower. This guy reminds me of one of my Drill Sergeants.

why don’t you try typing it into the google.