Fluke 107 AC/DC Current Handheld Digital Multimeter

Fluke 107 AC/DC Current Handheld Digital Multimeter

As a serious DIY’r, who retro-fitted a gas car to EV back in the 80’s for a client with more money than good sense, I’ve been using various DVM’s for several decades. Those DVMs ranged from modest priced analog meter displays to modest digital models like the ubiquitous red Craftsman for $20, $120 Klein CL800 clamp meter, to the forever professional Fluke 87 I bought from a retiring professional. I’m no professional, but appreciate high quality tools.

This Fluke 107 is an odd product as positioned by Fluke at $155. It’s kind of half-baked. The meter itself is solid even if the included leads are pretty crappy. Premium-priced, but not true RMS for those $?

HOWEVER, at the $75 price here from Woot, if you’ve researched what true RMS is and don’t believe you need it, this would be a much nicer quality DVM than the typical crappy Chinese stuff at lower prices. And you can buy nice replacement leads. And lower priced than the $87 from a third party currently at mother Amazon.