Food For Thought

Tag line for this shirt should say “You really are what you eat.”

Just think. All this time I thought zombies were scary. Apparently, they were just looking for a good education.

This would be assuming zombies were able to catch smart people.

He’s just trying to provide for his family!

The only thing scarier than a zombie is a smart zombie. Run!

All the meanwhile, zombies who didn’t gain that acquired taste for brains are finding it really hard to advance in their career …

Oh great! This must be part two of a lengthy story. I should have seen it coming.

Wait… that’s all I needed to get a degree…? Are you freaking kidding me?! I worked so hard D:

This is a fine follow up to Acquired Taste :slight_smile:

Congrats! I love seeing your zombies in print!

Great one, my Vote counts :smiley: $$ Take my Money! $$

An excellent teequel.

You can still kill’em with a head shot!

Speed to first woot: 2m 37.555s
First sucker:cflux
Last wooter to woot:PerfectAzn
Last purchase:4 minutes ago

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