FoodSaver RT-FM2000 Vacuum Sealer

Check over there…

I looked, they weren’t there.

I’m all out of ideas, then

Well, thanks for trying. I’m sure they’ll turn up as soon as I get some replacements.

If they aren’t there, have you looked here?

Yes. It does. Suck.

How well does this thing keep cheese from getting moldy? Not that I don’t enjoy moldy cheese myself, but the kids always protest.

You can get the bags on amazon, or even at walmart. they are pretty easy to come by

I find this keeps my cheese longer, I also always buy extra lunch meat when it is on sale and bag it up and freeze it. works like a champ

For cheese and other things you’ll be opening and closing a lot because you may not eat the entire block of cheese at once, get the “foodsaver canisters” and with the tube. That’s what the “accessory port” on top is for.

I feel like I already looked everywhere, but I’ll look here again.

Did you look under there?

Dang, I completely forgot to look under there! Will do, as soon as I get home.

I buy 10# bags of burger on sale and break it up into 1# lots then bag and freeze. Shape it like a brick so they stack better and thaw evenly. Best bag price for me has been on Amazon. When you need more bags, just go to previous orders and reorder. My machine is different so no comments for this woot.

It could. Cheese generally gets moldy in places where it has been touched first. Hold it with a paper towel and go ahead and ‘cut the cheese’ in to smaller bits, vacuum seal them, but touch only the cheese you will eat right away.


Does it seal well enough for sous vide?


Mine does.

Ours too, but we have a different model Foodsaver. We use it a few times a week for sous vide. Works great.