Forget my stapler...

If I have to wait in the vestibule of patience for 20+ minutes after clicking buy now on a Bandolier of Carrots only to have to sign into Amazon and then be told it’s sold out, I’m burning this mfer down.

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First, don’t wait 20 minutes in the VOP. You can leave after 4-5 minutes max.

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I guess i missed the 4-5 min part :rofl:

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if you DON’T end up in the pestibule THEN you can get excited.
99% of the time it’s gonna be sold out when you arrive or you get VOPed for eternity.
or five minutes.

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Sure, you just want me to NOT win. I’m on to you!

Wouldn’t NOT getting one be considered a win?

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WHAT? Just wait 4 or 5 minutes??

I guess since I’ve been in the VOP since last month’s Woot-Off I can give up now.


If you’ve waited 20 minutes, they are already gone. With 50 to maybe 500 BOCs per sale, there is an infinitesimally small chance you’ve made it high enough into the queue that you’ll be able to purchase one. At that point the best you could hope for would be snagging someone else’s failed order. If you don’t make it straight to your cart for the buy now button, you ain’t getting one. Don’t waste your time in the Vestibule for more than a few minutes unless you are super bored and enjoy massive frustration.

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That’s what I told my wife when I proposed.

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stomp stomping GIF

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By 10 minutes I’m already frustrated
hulk hogan wrestling GIF

Part of me thinks its a battle of patience hence the name but if I’m not winning after 4 then eff that. There’s not enough shirt deals to replace the BOCs I’ve waited on just today