Formidable Napa Valley Merlot (4)

Thread Hijack

OK my fellow wine-woot-weirdos - I am headed to Spain over the Christmas holiday. Any wine recommendations/wineries to try/visit while there? (I did just order the Iberian Peninsula wine map).


Unhijack. That would be better in World of Wine.Woot. :slight_smile:

Little known fact about Merlot, according to a 2009 UC Davis study: “The authors found the parents of Merlot to be Cabernet Franc and a previously unknown cultivar that they named Magdeleine Noire des Charentes. The first cuttings of Magdeleine Noire des Charentes were found in Brittany (northwest France), where no vineyard exists today, but where vines are known to have existed between 1460 and 1477.” Merlot is a half-sibling of Carménère, Malbec, and Cabernet Sauvignon. More info here:

Was thinking about pulling the trigger and reading through the thread I see no Illinois.

Takes care of that.

does that mean we’ll see the Cab up here in the future? :), :), :slight_smile:

Will talk to Winedavid39 about that soon…hopefully so!