Fountain Pen

I think that’s part of the point - how gray becomes all so colorful with art.

Great design, Chris!

Cool design. Would have better on white shirt…

So lovely! When I saw the thumbnail from the community page, I thought ‘looks like cmdixon’.

Reminded me of the Toucan shirt, which is one of my favorite and most worn woot shirts:) Actually, it might be THE favorite and most worn of my woot shirts!

The right colors really do pop when it’s on a silver shirt.

Yeah, that actually just occured to me and makes total sense now! :slight_smile:
I love it and might just get one.

Aw, this is beautiful! & I can’t buy it because I’m waiting on woot to get back to me about another order they screwed up & I don’t have the $$ to be throwing around willy nilly… but… this is so, so lovely. Ah, woot, why do you give me these quandaries?

The green pac-man is cute.

Does anyone know how the Rhodamine looks on a shirt? Does it pop out, also does it fluoresce under black light?

Beautiful design…I’d love it on a long sleeve shirt/hoodie (hint hint Woot!)

Chris, this is beautiful

I really like this one, but I don’t do white t-shirts.

Thanks everyone for the nice comments. And thanks to Woot for printing this one. I dug it out of the archives earlier this year. I think I started it over 2 years ago!

You’re in luck! This isn’t a white shirt.

Speed to First Woot: 3m 11.446s
First Sucker: cyberstven
Last Wooter to Woot: WilsonSports
Last Purchase: 28 minutes ago

First day sales 668
First day posts 33

Is this part of the $12 sale? It’s saying $18 right now.