Framed Star Wars Film Cells

Exactly… you could probably pick up an old theatrical print for $12.99… but hey, it is in a frame

awesome now i can run to the store and get some allergy stuff

Where’s the bag to go with this crap?

would have bought the hubby one, but he only goes nuts over episodes 4-6

Snap 'em up folks! These are going to be worth a fortune, some day. Your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandchildren will get rich off of these. Fantastic heirlooms, these do make.

Did you get any from the original movies? I’d buy some of these, but Episodes I and II are the worst!

NOT Collectable. Next please.

What’s next, a case of the clap?

Sell them on ebay. (maybe)

Yes, because nobody wants them.

On a completely unrelated note, I took three for the team on the Roomba walls… for THIS?!

This is sad. :frowning:

I can see the whole movie for that price.

No, no - these were made by Yoda himself using the force!

Yep, it helps the hours pass more pleasantly. Some of them really make me laugh. I particularly enjoyed when typing “boobs” would result in “Mrs. Claus’ sugar cookies”!


Hey, better these cells than DBZ action figures.

That’s good because you look a little pale.

WOW!!! These are GENUINE film cells from one of the most celebrated films in all history!! An amazing keepsake for any movie lover, and the IDEAL present for Star Wars fans! What a steal at just $12.99

Tempting, but I’d probably end of with potty-training Vader from ep 1 or angsty teen Vader from 2 or 3 (noooooooooooo!). Pass.