Freelancer of Blaviken

Freelancer of Blaviken

Designers, just a point to consider - don’t gear things to just one gender like this. I’m a freelancer and a girl and I do not have fuzz on my face, and for some reason it really repulses me on this shirt so I would not want to wear it. You could have just left the face plain. Some freelancer guys do, at times need to shave! This would have made the design, and I can’t believe I am going to say this - more gender neutral. (I’m a 59 yr old heterosexual female lol) That’s pretty bad when I ask for it to be more gender neutral! :rofl::rofl::rofl: So since you made this “guy” freelancer shirt and there are 4x+ more female freelancers out there (I’ve been doing this for almost 10 years now and men are a small %) Design us WOMEN a rockin’ freelancer shirt!

Excellent points, all, @Wooter634555556! But for what it’s worth, the freelancer depicted in this particular design is Geralt of Rivia, the main character in the Netflix series “The Witcher.” And the text on the shirt is a parody of a song from the series called “Toss a coin to your Witcher.” So rest assured that the design is intended to simply be a pop-culture mash-up, not an intentional exclusion of the many mighty female freelancers of the world! :slight_smile:

And PS, if you or any of your freelancing compatriots dabble in designing or doodles, you can submit them here or try your hand in our weekly Derby Contest! We’d love to see them! How cool would it be to see some of YOUR work up for sale on Woot!, too?!