GE XWFE Genuine Refrigerator Water Filter, 1pk

GE XWFE Genuine Refrigerator Water Filter, 1pk

Sure beats paying $50 at the big box stores. Hoping a hack comes along so we can use XWF which are way cheaper.

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But does it have the RFID chip in it so that it will function with most of the newer fridges?

These are genuine GE so they should.

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Mine arrived in good condition, despite being packaged solely in a Tyvek bag with no cushioning. This could’ve been better prepared for shipment with bubble wrap.

TIL that appliance manufacturers have looked upon printer manufacturers as their source of anti-consumerism profit protection inspiration. :pouting_cat:

Cut the RFID chip out off the old filter and stick it next to the sensor? A quick search says that’s it’s under a label, but trying to remove it intact can be iffy. A hacksaw to to old filter housing might be a safer bet.

(Note that I am not staff. I just volunteer to help out on the forums.)

I don’t think that will work. If you put the same code back in, the filter will probably work, but the filter life counter will not come off of zero.