General Design Strategies for Backgrounds

… art takes time…

A lot of good design and art is the result of a lot of practice and learning from mistakes.

Backgrounds shouldn’t detract from the main thrust of the design, but they shouldn’t be just a lazy afterthought either… Spiritgreen sums it up well:

  • “Think of something that naturally belongs with your main design and then stylize it so it’s less important, less bold, but helps the overall composition. Avoid any straight edges or awkward cut offs. Avoid making your background more detailed than it needs to be. A little bit of shadow or shine, or a different texture can make your main design pop, so always try out a few ideas.” *

Look at the designs of your favourite artist for inspiration and ideas on how they handle their backgrounds… composition, perspective and execution are all key.

Also, look to some fantastic “seasoned” artists like Charles Schulz (early Peanuts is best), Seth and Bill Watterson for other great examples of thoughtful background executions.

There is no quick shortcut, application or computer program that makes drawing or design easy, it still has to come from your own brain… draw often, challenge yourself and learn from those who you admire.