Generic BT-407 Bluetooth Headset – 2 Pack

How good could they be? generic bluetooth… 2 pack for less than I spent on dinner last night… Insane!

If you melt 2 of them together they will converge in stereo. And for $12 you can make 1.5 stereo head sets.

woot! no used earwax this time!

is anyone else having a problem with their login sitting on top of the item description? i have no idea wtf is wrong with the page.

If I use the generic headset can I talk about specifics?

Just what we need more crap to fry what little brains we have left !!I guess with 2 of them you could leave one in your pocket so so have someone to talk to :slight_smile:
Sad woot

like one in each ear? maybe. if you computer will allow you to connect the headset devices at once to your laptop. And only then will you have the stereo channels converged into a mono channel at both earpieces will sound the same. In other words, right channel won’t come through the right ear piece & the left channel won’t come out the left ear piece

What about the center channel for surround sound?

Do these headsets sit on the ear or go into the ear at all? Thanks for your time.

fry? a BT signal in completely different than a cell phone signal…

it will converge all channels into a mono signal

anyone know if this will work with my ps3

Not one crappy Bluetooth headsets but two Bluetooth headsets. Bad woot!

I can get Mono from a blue tooth? I will pass as I don’t want to be sick for a month.

does the ps3 allow any BT headset to be used with it, then yes; or does sony have a proprietary headset just for the PS3, then no?

you can talk to all your friends with this while drinking your plain label “BEER”

lol nice

Only if you kiss it or drink after it.

Well, that review would be great but it’s NOT THE SAME device(s).

I tend to loose my BT headsets in the car/get the crunched by kids, so cheap is good - i’m in for two (headsets) - one woot, tho - I need to make sure they work with my Treo 700p before I go for multiple woots.