Gerber Steady Tripod Multi-Tool

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Gerber Steady Tripod Multi-Tool
Price: $24.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard OR $10 Two-Day OR $20 One-Day
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Tuesday, Jan 27 to Wednesday, Jan 28) + transit
Condition: New


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Time to check out the product page

I haven’t the words to describe how useless this is…

For me personally, at any rate…


they are discontinued by gerber…that’s how useless they are

The exact model is $38.26+$6.99 shipping on Amazon, but this seems the same at $39.12 Prime and has reviews.

So, maybe a deal if you have no multi-tool and do not have the outdoor skills to tilt your iPhone against a small rock.

No reviews on Amazon.

What is THAT thing?

You all know what part I’m talking about. What is it???

Suction cup. Looks to me like it is for holding the “smooth” back of a phone or camera.

I have a Gerber multi-tool and I like it, use it almost everyday. That said, I can’t think of a dumber feature to add to one of these than this.

Recommend Gerber, just not this oddity.

Huh? With the ‘gaming glasses’ on the main woot and this thing here, I’m beginning to think this is some kind of joke.

!!!THAT IS…stupid

This would be PERFECT for my 5 year old so he can watch movies on the iPhone

This is the type of thing that used to be on Woot! On April 1st.

I just can’t believe the sales stats that anyone even bought this thing, much less that 18% bough 2 or 3?! People truly will buy anything. (Says the guy with a pile of dozens of Woot monkeys)

Come on now, don’t you all want to do your own survivorman videos?

I have been looking for a new multi tool for work and this looks like it would cover all my needs. I would actually get some use out of that silly suction cup tripod thingy, mainly during downtime, But it would also come in handy when I need to watch an instructional video and my hands are to greasy to hold the phone. At least until I lost it because I took it off, it does look like it could get in the way of other tools.

…for the alien who has everything.

I agree. And the blades aren’t big enough to do any real damage!