Geyser Peak Summer Whites (6)

Geyser Peak Summer Whites 6-Pack
$69.99 $129.00 46% off List Price
2012 Geyser Peak Pinot Grigio, California
2012 Geyser Peak Water Bend Chardonnay, Sonoma County
2012 Uncensored White Blend
CT links above

Winery website

So join or create a WW Gathering!

So tempted … if the wine locker wasn’t overflowing. :wink:

TALK TO ME! :wah:


I’m pretty sure your locker is over capacity. It’s bulging at the seams. There’s even a case on the floor outside… Or is that lost’s?

Filled my summer white needs during the last Pedroncelli offering. Otherwise I would be interested.

Think about that summer backyard BBQ where the sun’s a-blazin’ and someone who’s parched with thirst and asks for a Chardonnay…you’ll be such the hero!

RPM tour lodging up in the tour thread.

I still have a lingering suspicion that a wooter has my stash…

Well I wasn’t there so take my name off of the list of criminals.