Giant Leaved Hosta - 9 Bare Roots

Giant Leaved Hosta - 9 Bare Roots

Says “require partial to full shade” and “Require full sun to partial shade” Which is the correct statement?

My experience with Hostas is that it all depends on where you live. When I lived in sunny California my Hostas would get brown and crispy after just a few hours in the hot direct sunlight. Now that I’m in Washington they can take full sun.

They’re tough plants so don’t be afraid to experiment with them, they can take a lot of abuse.

They’re best in full shade, especially in warmer climates. They’re not really a warm-climate plant, though.
Great for at the bases of trees, except conifers (too acidic due to needle drop).
Need cut completely to ground at the end of the season and will grow back each spring, just like a typical seasonal perennial (think Daylily).
These big leaf varieties are awesome, very stately in a garden en-masse.

Never pay for hostas find some in neighborhood dig half plant and replant, both will be fine

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