Google H2G2-42 Chromecast 1st Gen Black

Google H2G2-42 Chromecast 1st Gen Black

I got one of these bad boys about seven or eight years ago, and I’ve had zero problems with it. I can still cast my phone’s screen/streaming content to my aging LG TV without issue and I use it almost daily. If I had need of another I would have no qualms about purchasing it again, though if you have a 4K TV you may as well spend the extra money and get the Ultra version.

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Hey is there anything that this version can’t do that the ultra can besides output 4k? Any compatibility restrictions?

I just bought it from woot about a week ago for 27.99
Darn it.

It really can’t play YouTube TV content smoothly. (I’m talking about the “cable-replacement” YouTube TV, not plain YouTube.) That’s only fully supported on 2nd generation and later hardware.

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Your price was $18.99, same as this. You’re quoting the price after shipping & taxes.

Ah ok thanks