Gopher Guts

Minnesota’s football program has enough problems already, Woot. No need to pile on.

(Go Badgers)

ew :\

Why is the eye of newt on fire…

wait! is the octopus a seasoning in this or what?

So what’s the final product? The breakfast special at Perkins?

looks like it was straight from our school cafeteria.

…and me without a spoon.

Edit: I’m a ninja!

And me without a spoon.

edit: I was ninja’d!

Great big globs of greasy, grimy gopher guts.

I thought a key ingredient was mutilated monkey butts, not feet! Was our school’s version of the rhyme a lie?

Yessir… make sure you rotate that… er… ball of green lint, before adding.

Looks kinda like my roommate’s cooking.

I thought I knew this one…but my version doesn’t include eyeballs or octopus, and where’s the chopped up baby parakeet?

I’m a former boyscout, googled the song, and still don’t know where the octopus comes in.

Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Mutilated monkey meat
Hairy pickled piggy feet
French fried eyeballs floating in some kerosene
And me without a spoon.

Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Scab sandwich, puss on top
Vulture vomit, camel snot
Deep dish boogers soaking in a bowl of fat
And me without a spoon.

Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Parrot eyeballs dipped in glue
Petrified porpoise puss
Flaming ear wax bobbing in a bowl of barf
And me without a spoon.

Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Dessicated dinosaur dung
Percollated pelican poop
Tortoise turd balls with the little flies inside
And me without a spoon.


Great big globs of greasy, grimey gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat, chopped up birdy feet. All these things are very, very good to eat! I forgot a spoon. What’s for lunch?

Is that right? Is it bad I remember?

My childhood version included “All wrapped up in multipurpose porpoise pus”. I’m unfamiliar with this octopus and eyeball variant, but then I’m not entirely certain how one would graphically depict multipurpose porpoise pus, so this is probably easier.

Yuk, I’m about to throw up my chips and quacamole now. ( nice shirt )

ahhh, brought me back to my childhood. first learned of the song from “Runaway Ralph” by Beverly Cleary. good memories.