Grandma's Feather Crap  (9jd83ndss)

Good luck y’all



(I may have had time to apply my HH coupon, but why tempt it?)

Got one earlier - good luck!

Nice, good luck who ever gets one lol was lucky enough to get the last one :smiley:

Bazing! Thanks, Grandma!


Awwwwwwwwwwww yeah, got one!

Got one!!! =D


Because everyone always needs more crap!

Wow, 87% when I clicked. Sold out.

Also holy moly I was the “First Sucker.” That’s a first!

I had gotten one earlier today but I take beating Wootstalker to the post as a win :slight_smile:

Yay! More disappointment.

Same here :frowning:

Welcome To The Vestibule Of Patience…

Why does it say “this order was cancelled on 2/27/2018”?