Jim ain’t so bad.
He just takes getting used to…
Lol life’s too short for regrets but hopefully it all works out.
Getting ready for the big day tomorrow.
The Garbage and the Recycle trucks show up!
That’s two trucks! Two Trash Technicians & their trucks!
I can hardly wait…
We never had to do that anywhere here.
Oooh I got to see my garbage truck BACK down my street to get the trash then he drove by! It was a twofer!
Ok. Ok. I’ll stay around. Now we need to get Marlene back😢
My recycling didn’t come yesterday!!! So I get to report it and watch more excitement whenever the hell it does come.
If I could send you some I could!!! I can send you seed if you want.
Not gonna lie. It wasn’t fun being away from here. I really love it here. I missed posting. LOOK WHAT I FINALLY GOT!!! 3 inches of it!! YAY!!
I deduce that there was a digital summit resulting in a detente.
And please, leave the pretentiousness to me. It’s a hallmark of Victorian Era London!
Please, please, please everyone PM Marlene and encourage her to come back.
I have been stimulated.
Deposit came in this morning.
@mbspell Glad things haven’t escalated. Don’t beat yourself up about the hubs and K. You didn’t know. That’s the hardest part about this whole ordeal. No one knows until you get symptoms and tested. The ones who don’t get tested will always wonder if it was COVID-19 or not. Can’t dwell on it. You’re sick with whatever, take care of yourself, protect everyone in your house as best you can now and get better.
Glad we’re moving on from the TP Brawl of 2020.
I’m tired and my back hurts.
Also, Happy Birthday to Randy and @bestsportnascar AND to my oldest, L! She’s 8 today. We commissioned a local artist to do a caricature of her in her Irish Dance dress.
She was excited for it along with the science stuff she got. Need to figure out how to get a poster size printed for her.
@bestsportnascar and rokNrandy
Ok. Will do. lol
I’m going to venture down to the hardware store and see what they have. I think my dad already bought the onion sets.
I think I need burpless cucumber, tomato, and pepper seeds. They should have those.
Flowers are going to be interesting but I’m sure I can figure something out. My mom is the one worried about that.
- Spend it all on liquor.
- I love it! That’s a great idea and it turned out wonderfully!
Yeah they’ll have it or dollar general. They’re on endcaps and are 25 cents a pack. But hardware store may be safer. My okra and cucumbers are sprouting!!! And my tomatoes and beans/peas are in the ground at home!!
Sorry, the APP only let’s me quote when it wants to…which is not often. Wasn’t directing the pretentiousness comment to you specifically, more globally based on Dave’s now quoted comment.
[Trying to get some support behind this pic as a default posting for WootApp issues! - Maybe they need to App Narg harder?]