Green Grotto 12: Better smelling than a dumpster fire


Things are messed up. We need to teach kids about having a good work ethic and not to expect the government handouts. But when they do start out in low paying craptastic jobs they think they were lied to because they’re working hard for a lot of nothing.

So then we up the minimum wage. Well that means they’ll get less hours, prices go up, and I’m not touching the insurance debacle we have in this country.

So now what? Work hard, get paid, have kids. That’s it right? Sure.

I see more have kids, try to graduate, work at taco bell, collect stamps, and repeat with the next generation.


Mornin Greens! It’s Wooster Wednesday! Hump Day!!!

Todays WTF: World Kindness Day falls on November 13th, and is a day to make the world a better place by showing just a little kindness to everybody.

I thought I would post this since all of our conversations have been so deep! If we could just tolerate each other, life would be a little better.

Letters Be Nice GIF by murcianys


Yes, and it doesn’t matter if you have a degree or not…it’s all about networking today. You get your foot in the door by who you know.


And I go back to what I said last night. Everyone expects someone else to fix it all for them.

We could break just about any large corporation’s hold on things by all getting together and boycotting one. But that would require people to DO it. And they won’t because it’s “too inconvenient for me, so someone else will have to.”


This just isn’t true.
Capitalism is the natural state. Nature itself is capitalistic by nature. If there is a plant that can grow better than others it will spread. If there are animals that is not hunted, but can hunt freely, those animals will propagate until they can not. If I learn how to grow a vegetable that no one else can, and it is desirable, than I will use this to supplement my needs. In totalitarian governments, black-markets ALWAYS will appear; because there will always be those that have a drive to engage in commerce, whether they are the middle man, or have a craft that they can sell. Heck, even in America, people that cannot make a living, or find a job will turn to the buying and selling of illegal things and services to make a living.
Two problems with most anti-capitalism arguments.

  1. Capitalism is not a form of government, it cannot be exchanged with socialism or communism or democracy. It is a means by which members of society engage in commerce.
  2. When people talk about capitalism, it is always a tirade about the mega rich vs the mega poor. This is a trap, they are talking about the edges of the bell-curve and not the bulk. The bulk of us benefit from capitalism by having financial mobility. The millionaires and billionaires in this country are not the same every year, they come in and out of this group as their situation changes. People have the ability to make choices, choices are not made for them. Some of us live conservative lives and slowly build wealth by working, learning, changing jobs and living modestly. Other people spend frivolously, some people have bad luck, and other make bad choices. These are all components of human nature and should not be used as excuses to level the playing field. If I save my Easter candy, and you eat all of yours on the first day, then why should I share the rest of mine with you?

I watched a documentary last night. The United States, out of all the developed countries, has the highest child hunger rate.
And that is just sad. We can do better.


Except you’ve shot your own argument down here. Capitalism in nature means the strong plants overrun and kill the weak ones. Likewise with animals. So it does NOT work for everyone. Only the stronger ones.

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The problem is that we can’t separate a person from a view that they hold. Instead of the day to day interactions that teach us that they are nice person with some views that we may not agree with… we see each other as an opinion with a person attached.
I blame the internet.

episode 1 film GIF


I think it’s worse than that. We’ve been polarized and conditioned to think we need to always be on the winning team at all costs.


Like in my original post…I blamed it on social media. But I do what I can for others. At least I know I can do my part. I can’t save the world, but I don’t have to be a Karen. LOL


Sure. Corporations are evil.

But we’re setting our kids up to fail. Let’s focus on college.

To get a good job you need a degree. Again, there are exceptions but let’s focus on college.

You’re a decently smart kid from an average family. You’re accepted to the college of your choice. But what do you do? You didn’t get that scholarship.

College A is 30k a year. Great reviews and it’s where you want to go. At the end of your 4 year degree you’ll owe 120k but your expected annual salary is 50k. Have fun with that.

Sure there are less expensive options. More expensive too. Pros & Cons etc.

But what if something happens and you drop out after one year? You’ve got to find 30k while you try to find a job. Good luck finding one that pays decent without that piece of paper.


College is more like 50-70k a year for many schools now, actually.


I know. I was trying to hit a low middle. It’s gone up, but the average starting salary hasn’t. For profit schools are evil. But there isn’t a lot of other options.


Welp, I started crap on a Wednesday morning. Score!

For the record I’ll never attack a person here, I’ll only debate the viewpoints.


Did we finally make it to Wednesday? It feels like Tuesday.

I need to make my flower list.


No. My point is the nature of things. Not all plants will thrive. Not all animals will thrive. A farmer must spray pesticide and herbicide to stop nature from doing what it does. Socialist and Communism is the pesticide of human nature.
That is not to say a human can’t strive to be kind and help others, but this is truly a first world issue. In areas of absolute poverty, the rules of engagement are not the same. If feeding your family means that another family dies and sharing this food means both families die, the reality of nature is exposed. Is this the evil of capitalism?


I’m not sure about the winning team. I think we are currently being conditioned to believe that the underdog it the true winner and success is inherently evil. This is not true and juvenile at best.
“never trust anyone over 30…”


Can’t find her in my friends list on FB anymore. :thinking:


Sad that we need a national day to remind us to be nice.


Here, I fixed that for you. :slight_smile: