green grotto, part IV

You guys can all keep your damn snow.
We have none, are getting none and I don’t want any.

The snow is all in the mountains here, where it belongs.



Wouldn’t ya know it! As soon as I went out, so did the sun. I raked and blew leaves for two hours.

Amen! Dave! I gave them ideas on what to do with all that wet, cold stuff!

double check? I’ve been listening to/watching the weather reports for 2 days! they say it will start late Sat evening.

were they hacked? I might have made an account a long time ago, not even sure if I remember the login.

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french toast alert: HIGH


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Yes. I guess they’ve been hacked.
I really don’t have anything tied to them I don’t think…

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That sucks.
Stay safe. Stay warm.


looks like 6-12 inches of snow, sleet and rain for me

K will be getting the jackpot, looks like 18+ inches for Albany.

then a couple days of frigid weather, temps between 0-20

did I mention I work Mon & Tue :tired_face:

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I don’t think I made an account, but if I have time I’ll look and see.

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What’s all this about Dave?

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email… |### Woot Stalker Alerts <>|4:57 PM (1 hour ago)||

| — | — | — |
|to me



It has come to my attention that Wootstalker has potentially been impacted by a recent massive data breech. This was not isolated to WootStalker, but part of a much larger leak of information containing over 700 million email accounts. While no personal information is stored by WootStalker, email addresses and encrypted passwords may have been accessed. Because of this, I recomend that you update your current password. You can change your password via your account page

It is also recomdended that if you use a shared password across multiple sites, that you change the password on those other sites as well.

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, and am looking into this further.

-WootStalker/MehStalker Admin


Hi Greens!

Took a nasty fall and have been in bed packed in ice! LOL!

Feeling better. Have not been able to sit up long to use laptop until today.

Hope everyone is good and green!


I had to request my password!

of course…ALL LIES!!!


It wasn’t “password”?


glad you’re on the mend!!

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my brother and his wife left Charlotte at noon yesterday to drive to Cleveland. They ended up spending the night about 2/3s of the way here. Snow in Charlotte brought everything to a stand still…

I might try to do that.

went to “have I been pwned” as they suggested. only older breaches showed up, not this new one. I need to go through and reorganize my password list one of these days.

off to the movies!