I’m weirder off Woot, which is why I don’t communicate with (non relative) Wooters away from Woot.
Holy shit! A new thread! It’s been one hell of a busy week and with this storm I’m worried. We are under all kinds of warnings
They say that this tide will be the 5th highest tide ever recorded so I can probably kayak in the street. Power will probably go out. Wind will be pretty strong. Everything is closed tomorrow so I guess that’s nice. I will post pictures of during/after the storm. Love talking to y’all, I’ve just been real busy
Hopefully it isn’t this windy
Not sure if a reporter for the weather channel will be here after this classy incident https://youtu.be/h2Nbwrq7dyw
I love how genuinely disappointed he was when this happened.
That’s funny… idiots…
Made me laugh even after like 6 times
I live on a hill, so thankfully during rain storms, there is no flooding by my house.
Although there are tall/old trees, so…
Many tall trees around my house because of a wooded lot next door. When it floods the house becomes an island. House is built up enough but the lower yard isn’t. Usually gets about 2-3 ft deep
The prices may not be that great, but this is a fun website:
You should see the lubber grasshoppers in South Carolina. Those things are crazy huge
What if it was fried?