Guard Dog ProShield Bulletproof Backpack

Guard Dog ProShield Bulletproof Backpack

This makes me sad

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True. It is a sad reflection on US society that a product’s purported need is clearly aimed at parents worried about their kids safety in schools.

We don’t solve core anger issues or the ethics in not taking lives. Instead we hide our faces behind backpack sized blinders.
[ At least 2/3 of body is left exposed ]

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I 100% get the pretty colors, but now when I see little kids walking to school these backpacks are going to come to mind :sleepy:

Perhaps that awareness; even sadness is a good thing if you choose to help address it.
We should not numb ourselves about reports of kids shooting up random classmates with pretending bulletproof partial body protection solves much of anything.

Change from chronic danger begins with discontent - then constructive attempts to address the danger. In this case it is the loss of making ethically right choices in kids.

Today’s PSA on gin violence in schools is brought to you by @intrepid01

On a serious note, you are 100% right

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