Guy Fieri "The Beast" 6.5" Cleaver

Guy Fieri “The Beast” 6.5" Cleaver
Price: $14.99
Shipping Options: $5 Standard OR $9 Two-Day OR $12 One-Day
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Wednesday, Mar 19 to Thursday, Mar 20) + transit
Condition: New


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Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
7/17/2013 - $24.99 (Woot-off) - 16 comment(s)

6/18/2013 - $35.00 (Woot Plus)
5/28/2013 - $35.00 (Woot Plus)

Have this knife. Love it.

For the love of god, list the steak knives. I need them to round out my block!

not sure where to ask but how do i get the shirts for 12$ i added a couple to my cart and they are still 15$ id like to order them before the price is gone???