Harbinger KCR Short Finger Sporting Gloves

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - The price of today’s woot item is saved here for future reference

Harbinger KCR Short Finger Sporting Gloves
$5.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

Insert OJ Simpson joke here.

Not these again…

More sporting gloves? Really? Why don’t you throw in yet another flip camera or generic TV?

A similar pair of gloves was up for almost three hours last night. This may be the end of the Woot-Off right here. =(

I thought is said KFC Gloves for a second. I would buy some KFC Chicken Finger gloves…

You know, these gloves suck… I mean, how can I steal rare jewelry or kill someone if the tips are cut off, exposing my fingerprints? JEEZE GLOVE MAKERS! Consider your target audience!


oh good more gloves!

i wants my monkey! bring on the monkey!

I predict flying monkeys in the near future.

Is it glove season in Texas?

Seriously…lot of repeats on this wootoff…dont remember seeing that before…whats up woot?

Was going to be in for one but they just ran out of larges as I was about to order.

And Michael Jakson joke.

Meh, No gloves, I need/missed LeakFrogs. Come on frogs!

someone should buy them all up so we dont have to end the woot off just yet


these gloves are not good for thievery

Projected to be sold at at 2:25am edt.
