
Hello, I just joined and I am having a sort of hard time getting the concept, could someone sum it up for me?

One question I have is, is the only item for sale at the time, Today’s woot?

Thanks for your help.


yep… something new every night at Midnight Central Time… the only exception is the woot-off (see above link), but there is still only one item for sale at a time… if you were to check out wine.woot.com, they sell only wine or wine-related things, and that gets a new item once a week…

Hmph, Woot is a thing that keeps you away from work, allows you to meet new people who you don’t really know, forces you to improve your photo editing skills, and generally is a pretty fun community.

One more evil banana!


Sorry, this is all that comes to mind…

Not that anyone is secretly cataloging personal information.