Hey Man, Nice Crap


Hey Man, Nice Crap
Price: $5
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Wednesday, Jan 21 to Thursday, Jan 22) + transit
Condition: Really Crappy


Buy It](http://www.woot.com/offers/hey-man-nice-crap) [http://www.wootstalker.com/images/amazon.png

Search Amazon](http://www.amazon.com/s/?field-keywords=Hey Man, Nice Crap) [http://www.wootstalker.com/images/google.png

Search Google](Hey - Google Shopping Man, Nice Crap)

Well, that was fast.

Unbelievable. Signed on with my Amazon account and everything. Hit it at 100%. 2 clicks. And gone. I’m out. good luck to everyone.

woot! finally got a BoC~!


Were there only 10 bags available or something?

What is WOOT up to?

With a Bag Of Crap here & a BOC there, here a Bindle Of Carrots, there a BagOfCrap, everywhere a BAGS OF CRAP!!! Old McWoot had a Woot-Off E-I-E-I-O.

Yippee!!! I Snagged my first Barrel of Crops after 5 years of frustratingly unsuccessful B-O-C attempts! Today it couldn’t have been any easier.

What gives?

Not sure if following the tips to purchase from the the community page was the reason for my success or if WOOT is trying to boost my self-esteem. They seem to want to make sure that everyone gets a “Blue Ribbon” today.

Either way, I Thank you Woot for not crushing my spirit. Today I am a WINNER…a “bag of crapola” WINNER!!