Hidden Wolf

I simply love it!

Awesome! I voted for it at the Derby! Yey!!!
Subtle and obvious at the same time, clear cut, clean looking in all B&W with just the brooch-like red spot (Red Hood, I mean). Absolutely gorgeous!!!

Yes! Replace Red with a blue TARDIS! Not necessarily a traditional fairy tale…but a good tale just the same.

“I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. I take the words…I scatter them, in time and space. A message, to lead myself here.” --Rose Tyler, in “Doctor Who,” “The Parting of the Ways”

She looks like a Hummel, too creepy for me

So well done. Like a good joke, the impact is in the discovery, that all of the sudden, you “get it”.

Me >> Stare, stare, O-M-G! That’s awesome!

Perfect for a tote, BTW.

It took me too long to see the design but once I did- this is a terrific design! I may have to buy this. Spoiler- I kept looking for a wolf face but I was wrong.

My reaction: “Oh, it’s Little Red Riding – Oooh, that is really cool!” The last thing I need is another t-shirt, but I’m seriously considering this one…

You can’t see the wolf for the trees!

This is seriously the coolest shirt I have seen in a long time. In for one, even if I don’t need it! :wink:

So cool so I got one!

Argh, the wolf is done perfectly and is totally sublime, but the red riding hood is so cartoony it ruins it. Damn.

TeeFury had a “Bad Wolf” tee shirt back in October - I don’t want to link to them here, kinda bad taste, but if you Google image search “bad wolf tee fury,” you can see it. It’s beautiful.

echoing the dismay with Hood’s cutesy-creepy Hummel-hipster design - does not fit at all with aesthetic of the wolf or the moon. Deal breaker. Booooooo!

Try as I may, I’m still just seeing trees. Can anyone point out some specific features, i.e. the head is the front branches or something of the sort?

This makes me wish I had an unlimited Shirt.Woot budget… So many well thought out and cleverly designed shirts this derby!

The highest point of the tree on the left is the wolf’s nose pointed upward as if he’s howling… the rightmost tree tip is the point of the wolf’s tail. Imagine a line drawn around the trees using those points as reference and you should be able to see him.

As pandikutty and lostxero said, look at a thumbnail of it, and the wolf will just jump out at you. Happy wolf hunting :slight_smile:

Took me about a second to see it. Love this design. It’s a brilliantly disguised wolf.

Ah there we are, thank you. I suppose I was expecting to see a more humanoid wolfoid with LRRH.

But don’t you see, people that the Red Riding Hood just must be there, that she must be cartoony, that she must be contrasting, out of place, a little red blot that shouldn’t be there? That is precisely why she must be there.

If the girl went to her grandma elegantly dressed and escorted by her knight in his shinning armor, there would be a picture of a a handsome couple and no wolf. No story to tell.

If the wolf didn’t hunt the girl, he would still be there, in the dark woods, he would still be as sublime as he is, but there would be no reason to talk about him, so there would be no need to picture him. No story, no picture.

Only by putting them together, just as it is makes the story right, as it was told to little (and often not so little) children all around the world for generations. The wolf is the piece of art here, the girl is the artist’s way of putting a title to it, an explanation for the wolf’s existence, for his hidden and obvious (yes, at the same time) presence. As contrasting as some might see them, together they tell us the story as we all know it.

It is up to the artist to decide what else he can create with the design of the wolf, but here he pictured the literary classic published before 1920 and just as it should be.

So wear it. Wear it as a brooch, wear it as a title, as a signature, as a cartoon sticker, as a blood stain, a blot. Wear it however you see it, just damn wear it!!

Alright, I said it. Ha.