Hiku The Shopping Button, 1st Generation

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Hiku The Shopping Button, 1st Generation
Price: $29.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard OR $10 Two-Day OR $20 One-Day
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Wednesday, Jan 31 to Thursday, Feb 01) + transit
Condition: New


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Why would I want this instead of a Dash Wand with Alexa? https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MQMJFDK

For things you don’t buy from Amazon?

many bad reviews too, though I’d expect this item to be less than stellar

“Alexa, add hiku to the shopping list.”

Oh, wait.

“Alexa, remove hiku from the shopping list.”

If you use Alexa, get the “Our Groceries” skill to hook into the app of the same name (we’d been using the app for years). Just speak what it is needed and which list to add it to: “Alexa, tell our groceries to add milk to grocery store”.

We really like this because we often discover we’ve run out of something during prep work for cooking. Now we don’t need to stop and wash up to make an entry, or realize we forgot to add it to the list later on. For +$20 over the Hiku get an Echo Dot and have something far more useful.

Tag sale starter kit

I really want an app that will integrate with Alexa or Google Home, but I find it so convenient that my Kroger app knows exactly what isle each of my grocery list items is on. Until I find a different app that can organize my list by store shelves (accurately), then I have to stick with Kroger’s on shopping list.

Couple dumb questions from a total noob to this thing:

1.) Does this come pre-loaded with an inventory list of common items, or does it build it’s list of items based on my shopping habits?

2.) Does/can this create a shopping list with just the needed items, or must you scan through the entire list looking for checked items?

The Our Groceries app doesn’t do by shelf, but you can give each item a category, and then drag that category into a sequence you follow when in the store (so I suppose you could make it as fine grained as you like).

We shop primarily at BJs (teenager with an appetite), and we have it set up so that every item is in order of appearance as we enter the store and wind our way around.

Then a bonus, or not depending on your point of view, others in your family with the app can add/remove items on the fly. Much better than my wife calling or texting all the time with something(s) she forgot.