Hold UPS package at UPS service center?

My ipad is coming in next Monday and I was wondering if it would be possible to request a hold for customer pickup at my nearest service center/depot. I’ve done it in the past and it generally (though not always) was faster than waiting for it to be loaded onto a truck (also safer since they chuck it over my fence… story for another day!). I don’t know, however, if that’s changed and if it’s a terrible idea to request a hold.

Thanks in advance to any staffers/customers who answer. :slight_smile:

Oh and yes,I first tried the UPS mychoice app and the option to hold at service center was no longer there.

I’m no staffer but that usually.has to be setup ahead of time.

Hi there. That’s something you would do. Sign up for UPS My Choice (free). You can reroute packages and should be able to rote it to your closest UPS Store or center.

It’s not something that we can do.


Thanks TT for responding! (Love your username btw)

And yea that’s what I was afraid to hear.

I can reroute to a UPS store but that’s different from the past where they let us pick up at the depot before it was loaded onto a truck.

Also it doesn’t stop them from giving my new expensive toy a few flying lessons.

This comes straight from the mouth of my very hard working significant who admitted to tossing a few very fragile packages himself to make some insane postal deadlines. One crashed into shards and they hoped it wasn’t an heirloom.

I’ll try to give my local UPS a call but won’t be surprised if they can’t oblige.

Thanks again!

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