I have this set in blue. Easiest wine opener I’ve ever used. Love the sealer as well.
I have one and I love it! Quick and simple. The deal is awesome. Almost, ALMOST wish I’d waited to buy mine.
This is an AMAZING price - I paid more just for the corkscrew I would totally be in for three if I didn’t already have at least that many from previous Woots. Of course, I could always add them to my gift stash…
$2 cheaper than the last time (silver).
Mos def a sweet deal @ this price! Bought 3 already in earlier woots, everything works a treat. A no brainer for $10
[QUOTE=beetlequeen, post:3, topic:364343]
I have one and I love it! Quick and simple. The deal is awesome. Almost, ALMOST wish I’d waited to buy mine.
Most adorable wine tutorial ever. Since my whole family are winos, this may be a good gift stash idea…
I bought one the first time I saw it on Woot. It worked so well that the next time it came up, I bought another as a Christmas gift for my daughter. Then I bought three more for future gifts. It’s a great deal on a great product!
OMG Woot! Thanks for the second chance at these. I wanted one during the last woot off however somehow it was not in the cards as the system wouldnt allow me to purchase it and then once it did and I pressed that final magical golden button and I got the message of doom- The sale had sold out!
No problems this time. I got two so I could share my joy with a family member at Christmas!
WOOHOO to Woot and second chances!
When I needs my wine, I needs it fast!! Thanks Woot for selling this Houdini wine set. It really is magic!!
I heartily agree with the other posts. I also bought this set last time it was offered. Extremely easy to use, great price, perfect for stocking stuffers or last-minute gifts. Video was hugely helpful to me in learning how to retrieve the cork from the opener.
I bought a set on the last Woot. Love it. After I got it I wished I had bought more! Great set at a great price and $2 cheaper this time!
Does anyone know how to order different colors on the same order? I can’t figure out how to do it.
Is this vertical corkscrew the same corkscrew that comes with this gift set?
It appears that the vertical style is quite inferior to the rabbit style pull. Has anyone had a problem with the set woot is selling today?
Does the wine saver cap work?
[QUOTE=lkgm1961, post:13, topic:364343]
Does anyone know how to order different colors on the same order? I can’t figure out how to do it.
Set the quantity first, then you should get drop-downs for each item’s color. Or just do multiple orders - with the $5 all you can ship, you won’t pay a second shipping charge.
I purchases this set last time it was offered and it is easy to use and a no brainer to have on hand. I am planning to pick up a couple for the gift drawer to have on hand for those emergencies that always happen around the holidays.
These are AMAZING. I have one and love it. You will Never want to use an “old fashioned” wine opener again. They are effortless and very fast…like butta!!! I also have the foil cutter and it works much better than most. I just got 3. You will not find a better deal or gift for 10.00. Guaranteed!
Early winter Soltice gift for myself.
[QUOTE=lkgm1961, post:13, topic:364343]
Does anyone know how to order different colors on the same order? I can’t figure out how to do it.
go to “buy now” as you would if you were buying only one. It should have a pop up option with how many you what (up to 3 of course) and what color for each one.
[QUOTE=invaderkeen, post:14, topic:364343]
Is this vertical corkscrew the same corkscrew that comes with this gift set?
It appears that the vertical style is quite inferior to the rabbit style pull. Has anyone had a problem with the set woot is selling today?
Does the wine saver cap work?
I have one just like this one and love it. I do not have the saver cap though…sorry.