HP Pavilion Dual Core Athlon 5000+ Slimline PC

what’s the antenna for???

I guess thiw will be my media hub/MAME PC.


So, will a few of the millions of computer geeks that frequent Woot opine on wether this is a good deal or not?

This one wont make past 7am (Central)

Thanks for the help. It’s a complicated set-up I have to explain, but suffice it to say that I definitely need component out from the computer. Any suggestions on a video card that would do the job?

im drunx, wut iz teh grafiz card in this mahchine?

Any video card upgrades have to be low profile so keep that in mind when searching for a new video card. Also heat flow is a bit of an issue with these so make sure you have plenty of ventilation wherever you place it.

it has wireless b/g

been waiting for a good cheap compy, in for 1

The attenna is for the wireless connection, so you don’t have to plug ethernet cable in or keep it in the same room as the modem. It can talk to a router.

So if I wanna use this as a media center – like the HP Woot had about a month ago and I missed out on, doggone it – I’ve gotta add a video card and a tv tuner, yes? So how much trouble is this, and about how much is it going to set me back?

Oooh drunk and on woot, recipe for disaster. Just hit the Gold button, gold button make everything good purty.

Sometimes I think people dis Vista just because it’s popular to do so or because they’ve been watching too many Apple commercials. Have you ever used Vista? I mean for more then 10 minutes, on a day-to-day basis? There is nothing wrong with Vista and its time everyone adopt it and move on with the rest of the world.

market has torn me up. looks like a good buy

I say hold off on Vista, wait for Windows Mojave, it’s the ish!

After you buy one (or before if you want), hit up this hard forum thread for users’ experiences.

[link=The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread | [H]ard|Forum]http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1224011[/link]

is the windows liscense on this transferrable? because I need a new mythtv box, and I will be needing a copy of vista soon as well.

is the antenna visible?

does it work with a mac???