HP Pavilion Elite Six-Core Desktop with Blu-ray

Amazon has refurbs too. Makes me wonder. I’m done. No one is even giving out brownie points tonight. Goodnight boys for the last time. This old man needs sleep.

How so? Looks like it had no data for price comparison and the other 6x fared best…

ANYONE care to explain the free bag of crap? I though that was big deal of woot off? How I get my FREE stuff?

why does Oregon get a hotter wooting than California?

Yes…in fact i need more. My current 6 core isnt enough.

Thing is, I am a digital artist. When sculpting with millions of polygons and rendering out 3d images, cpu = speed and number of polygons.

In zbrush, using a dual core cpu i was able to hit 1-3 million polygons. With a 6 core, 18 million. More polygons = more detail my meshes. Same with render time, dual core = 20 minutes, six core = 5 minutes.

Most commercials, tv shows, ads, movies, games…ect you see require some form of rendering and art. Some stuff takes forever. Rendering a 3 minute scene for a movie could take weeks, thus always the more power a cpu has the better.

In for one. I was mad when I didn’t get it last time and I don’t have enough nerd points to need anything better.

True conversation that just happened over Xbox Live:

Chris: SIX CORE?!? What in the WORLD uses SIX CORES!?!
Steve: Seti…

It’s the wet winters, I reckon.

I’ve moved the supreme shopping queen of Oregon to DC so I have no idea what is going on there today.

Or you can just have them so you can boast. =D

3 down, 7-8 to go. like I said, not too shabby of a system and decent price…

I would actually like to buy my mom one of these because her laptop is 10 years old.
Just wish I didn’t just now have to pay my rent…

Just tell the landlord you are prepping for Christmas and make the bar move.