Humanitas 2006 'Sugarloaf Mountain' Napa Merlot - 4 Pack

We did issue the restraining order for Jim – that’s why he’s on line – safety of his own domain.

just bought a set of 4 based off of this response. thanks!!!

He actually uses his children to do all the hard work. Little hands, little feet, child labor at its finest. But big flavor. I just drank a couple of bottles of this wine and it is drinking fabulously.

Jim Morris
Keeper of the Wit, Humanitas Winery

Woah Daddy! We thank you and Judd’s children thank you.

Jim Morris
Shameless Plugger of Shameless Wines and the People that Shameless Sell Them.

Klez, I’ve got a simple solution: drink four bottles of wine in the next week. Those bottles will be gone and space will be created for this Humanitas offer! Problem solved! :shy:

I don’t have my ta/pH with me – but it was right in line. Alcohol states 14.4 – think it is closer to 14.7. We picked pretty late – let the fruit hang a bit to develop phenolics. This softened the tannins – but the structure is stunning. It will age – but I’m up for drinking it up in the next 3-5 years. It could go much, much longer.

There’s always next year!

Hi Jim! Past flirtation here… how do I rationalize this one? On glass three of Weed Farms Syrah that you graciously got WD to up my order on. May have to hit the big yellow button based on our past history! :slight_smile:

Little RED hands & feet. God love 'em.


Got your message, thank you. And thank you for being the first sucker and thanks for coming and enjoying the winery with all the other fun Wooters. You guys are the best. We want you all to come back soon.

Jim Morris
Thankful of all things good in the wine business.
Humanitas Winery

I really hope there is another Meeker besides the pink elephant, or another good cab for that matter. After 3 pinot noir purchases, I need to pull the trigger on something else.

You guys aren’t going to start this up again are you? Get a hotel room (one with an internet connection so you can buy!).

Hey Judd–at least I’m drinking your wine while I continue the flirt!

And… just to appease you, I’m in for one! I hope to see many future Humanitas offerings on wine.woot! I love the idea of charity with a great wine reward.


Uh, oh. Are we in for trouble with a capital " T " if you JUST drank a couple of bottles of this wine! :tongue:


My heart just went pitter pat. That does not often happen in this biz. It is so marvelous to see you again here virtually. You really must come see us.

If you want to try this wine and for whatever reason you dont like it (extremely unlikely), Judd promises to personally deliver another wine you may like to your house and give you a winemaker massage. Thats how we roll here.

I hope you are well and enjoy the 6 or more packs you are now likely to buy (you can also give them as gifts). I would love to meet you (with or without your hubby, wink wink) sometime. We do have fun at what we do.

Will talk soon,

Jim Morris
Maker of Unkeepable Promises
Humanitas Winery

Hmmm, ok, did you walk out of the winery where the barrels are with maybe three other people Fri night at M-S? I hate those 25 - 30 year gulps! On the other hand, they’re better than the alternative. Oh, and BTW, I’ve got some of the wine coming that Vernon sold me a while back. I believe it was to ship yesterday. He wanted to make sure we were back home before it shipped. :slight_smile:

Oh, and PM for you when you get a chance!

I think our Red Tide should Roll straight to you. You want a wine that stands out from the other Merlots out there? A wine that looks all the “Merlot haters” squarely in the eye and says in its best John Wayne voice, “move along Pilgrim, we got us some real wine here.”

This wine will make you a better person.

Jim Morris
Keeping the John Wayne Spirit Alive
Humanitas Winery

Hi Jim!
So happy to see Humanitas here again. I did hit the yellow button, so I look forward to another Humanitas shipment heading my way. When I do decide to head out to wine country, you guys will be my first stop! As I posted above, I hope to see many more Humanitas offerings.

that go for all of us? I live in Manhattan Beach,CA