Hyundai 19” LED Backlit Monitor

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Hyundai 19" LED Backlit Monitor
$79.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

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Does it come with a 10-year/100,000-mile warranty?

Will this be made of recycled cars?

no 1080p, no deal

um, “backlit monitor”?

Under Specs:

VGA: Yees


Is that the Occupy Hyundai movement on the screen?

You can get the Kia 19" model much cheaper and just as reliable, basically the same unit in a slightly different case.

lol it has “Backlightin”

Is this stick or automatic?


I won’t drive one…and no way will I hook one up to my computer…


But the Hyundai was more comfy.

It’s really not a bad price for the size and specs. I don’t know much about Hyundai monitors, but if they’re anything like their cars it’s cheap but reliable.

I can’t buy this monitor because I’d feel guilty for not demonstrating on the streets to overthrow the aristocracy.

Wow, the same price as one of their new bare basic Kia Rios!

Would rather have a backlit monitor lizard named “Hyundai”. That would be sweet!

Does it come with a car?

How is it that Hyundai started being pronounced “Hunday”

I think it should be “HIE YUN DIE YEE” and refuse to say it any other way.