I'm a Mess!

Nice, I like the colors. Here’s the one on my desk I got at a MS conference years ago. I still think they missed a golden opportunity by not putting the logo on the blue side though!

The write up is a bit “Bush” League. Get it?

You are my hero…

That color scheme is wack. The “U.S.” (or “Western”) color scheme is shown in mhodges’ photo of the Microsoft logo cube, with yellow opposite white, green opposite blue, and orange opposite red.

The other somewhat common color scheme is the so-called “Japanese” color scheme, which is the same as the U.S. scheme except blue and yellow are swapped.

The cube used as a model for this shirt conforms to neither color scheme, and is sure to annoy those of us who are avid cube solvers. For those who don’t know these color schemes that well, it probably seems nuts… but I couldn’t wear that shirt.

Of course I could take the cube’s statement quite literally – it’s not just a mess due to being scrambled… it would still be a mess even in the solved state, because it doesn’t conform to a standard color scheme.


::shakes fist at sky::

‘Curse you Rubik, for making me this way!’

No surprise at all to see this take 1st, congrats Walmazan. :^)

LMAO! Ahh… I love it! Grats Walmazan.

I don’t know if I like HOW people got told, or the Oh Snap flowchart better.

walmazan, love the design and the colors. Congrats on 1st!

I totally would have gotten one of these shirts if woot offered it in a woman’s v-neck. Crew neck shirts are:

  1. way too hot for summer
  2. makes me feel like I’m being strangled
  3. unflattering to my chestal area.

I am just this kind of mess…my yellow and white are on the outside corner and cannot be that way…or so “they say”! Love this concept and am buying one right now!!
old crazy lady.

I never did well with the cube, but I rocked the $h!t out of this one:http://www.jaapsch.net/puzzles/images/magic/magic.jpg


I can’t speak for Massanda but I believe his point was not necessarily that your cube was impossible but rather that it was not accurate to an official Rubik’s brand cube.

Rubik’s didn’t start standardizing the color scheme until sometime around 1982 I believe. Prior to that though I believe your cube still doesn’t fit the previous color scheme.

Additionally, to my knowledge all official Rubik’s cube brand cubes say “Rubik’s Cube” in the center square of the white side.

I could be wrong but going by that I think he was simply stating that your model is a knock off.

Either way. Nice shirt though.

Guys, it’s a cube with colored squares on it. Everyone knows what it is. C’mon.

No, Massanda’s point was obvious when it was made. That’s an impossible color configuration for any ‘standard’ cube, whether Rubik’s brand or not, unless the stickers have been peeled off and reapplied. We can tell that’s what he meant because:

  1. He made that comment before Walmazan posted his photo of the cube ‘model,’ and

  2. He talks about inconsistency in the colors and how certain colors are always supposed to be opposite each other.

It doesn’t matter whether a 3x3x3 cube is official Rubik’s brand or not anymore, as the patent on the original 3x3x3 is long expired. I am unaware of any speed-cubers anywhere that would use a Rubik’s brand in a competition anyway. Everybody’s using the various speed-designed knockoffs, like the Dayan Zhanchi. Even the knockoffs use the western color scheme. Walmazan’s cube is extra weird because of the color scheme, not because it’s a knock-off.

On the one I have above the Rubik’s logo is on the yellow center square (not shown)

That’s because yours is a logo cube made by the Rubik’s company for Microsoft. For many of those, the white side contains the company logo or design, and the Rubik’s logo is moved to the center yellow instead.

That’s your opinion that it’s obvious but he doesn’t flat out say that. He simply states that the colors are not on the correct side. It can be interpreted both ways and without him confirming I suppose we can just agree to disagree.

I’m fully aware of that and that’s fine. What I stated was that this cube didn’t in fact appear to be an official Rubik’s brand cube based on that color scheme.

What speed-cubers use was never under debate. I agree 100% that no speed-cuber would use a Rubik’s brand cube. The point was simply that it wasn’t based on a Rubik’s brand cube.

You make it sound like I referred to it as a knock-off in an insulting way. I simply meant that given the color scheme that it wasn’t official Rubik’s brand.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking on the shirt or even defending Masanda. I’m simply stating that’s the way I interpereted what he said. I could really care less if it were designed to match an official Rubik’s cube or not. I have no personal issue with it even if it were unsolvable in the shirt. The post was simply my opinion.

No sticker were peeled in the making of this illustration

Lassik, if he meant “that drawing isn’t an official Rubik’s brand cube,” then why wouldn’t he just say that?

You’re right, though… we’re just going to have to disagree on this. My interpretation of his comment was based on my own reaction upon seeing the T-shirt design, and it had nothing to do with whether it was an official Rubik’s cube or not.

At first glance, for somebody who has solved the cube thousands of times, it just looks wrong. Normally you don’t see a cubelet with white and yellow adjacent, and this drawing has two of them (an edge and a corner). It also has a red/blue/green corner, which is impossible with the normal color scheme.

So I thought, okay, maybe that’s a Japanese color scheme. But it can’t be the Japanese color scheme either, because the white center isn’t opposite the blue center, and the red/blue/green corner is counterclockwise when it should be clockwise. So it looks bogus, even though it isn’t.