I Get So Lost Sometimes

This was a cautionary tale: A boombox is not a toy.

I recently moved to the place where they filmed the creature from the black lagoon (Tallahassee). We all look like that here. It’s something about the swampiness…

They filmed a lot of it in California as well. Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) - Filming & production - IMDb And they all look like the creature there too.

Peter Gabriel was OK, they just used the wrong song:
Say What?

Watch the monkey get hurt.

Shock the monkey tonight.

Look upon what your inspiration has wrought, shirtwoot!

I get that the Creature misses Julie Adams (who doesn’t?) but there’s something SERIOUSLY wrong with that boombox. What’s needed is an old Zenith or something else period.



I snorted when I laughed at this, FYI

So I am the only one that thought of Night at the Roxbury? lol

That Osmonds video was mesmerizing. When I think of the Osmonds, I think of Donny & Marie…I sure don’t think of that!

Normally enjoy the clever write ups but I would like those 4 minutes of my life back please. I actually waded thru all versions only to wonder why

So, am I the only one that thought of The Monster Squad the second I saw this?


Looking at the thumbnail pic of the shirt, I thought it was a jet-fighter pilot. The negative blue space under the boombox and creatures head look like a fighter pilot helmet… at least to me.

TIL about YouTubeMultiplier. Awesome! (I love that the preview is “recommended”.)

Anyway, yes, this definitely called for heavy metal. I think this one is a good match:

Speed to first woot: 6m 45.888s
First sucker:mcalvillo
Last wooter to woot:normalizer
Last purchase:11 minutes ago

First day sales 438
First day posts 34

Am I the only one who hit “reply” just to see what phrase Woot turned into “cats cats cats”?