iBuypower Gaming Computers

Since it sold out, where was it?

I was about to give up, too. I was like “What am I missing here?” Then I saw it. Can’t wait to see what I get!

Got my BOC and there gone.


You guys need to stop using bit.ly links. I typed that to the exact letter and got some arabic website. Then, I ended up pulling up the woot site after typing it in again.

Hidden in the pic of the blue system.

Oh, the link was in the event picture. My monitor didn’t show it very well…guess I need to turn up the brightness.


They are gone, didn’t even see it…No worries!

Congrats on using a better font this time, guys. It was much easier to tell the ‘0’ and ‘O’ apart.

Had NO IDEA they would hide links like that. Lesson learned.

Woot! Got my first Bottle Of Carnage!

They lasted a good amount of time this time. I like that they are being crafty to give people a shot. They were still available about 5 minutes after I bought mine!

Grumble/sigh. Had my cart full of extra stuff. oh well.

Why have they become so elusive? I hate that website entering stuff. Pretty sure others do also.

(12 days of xmas was total crap ><)

Damn! It was completely not visible on my crappy laptop screen. Thought they didn’t have a BoC. Came into work and bam, perfectly visible! (and sold out)

Yeah, I checked every pic on every item plus the specs tabs…lesson learned indeed.

Yay got it. So excited!

Did the exact same thing…oh well

I am glad they are doing this too! Makes it much more fun and excited! My pulse is still high from the adrenaline!!! I got one even after checking every other picture on the main site and coming back. Then I finally seen it. Thanks again woot!

I did the same thing until I took a second look at the main pic and got it

Took me a bit to snag one - The description “Get the picture?” is what tipped me off. Can’t wait to see what is in this one.