Imported Greek Olive Mix

These olives are really good, but Wine Woot has been oversaturating us with them at this point. Those of us who want them have them, and it takes forever to actually get through the jug. Hell, we’re only 20% of the way through ours.

You guys are cracking me up talking about your tubs of olives. Hilarious.

Is there any bottles of wine that you guys think might pop up during the wootoff that you think I would have to purchase. I really am not familiar with wine. So any assertive opinions appreciated.

Corison, Robert Craig, Kent Rasmussen, Wellington, Atlas Peak…

and apologies to any I’ve left out as my eyelids get droopy.

I’ve had the unpitted and the pitted. I prefer the ones with pits. The pitted olives don’t seem to keep as well, and are too salty.

I’m embarrassed to ask this but, I’m not familiar with the weight 2K. Can you please let me know approximately how many ounces it would be. Thanks!

Seriously. I wonder about the maximum potential olive consumption by the Wine Woot population…

1 pound = 0.45359237 kilograms (1 kilogram = 2.20462262 pounds)

Don’tspille Le Black (aka a Wellington PN), Ty Caton, Black Zeppelin,…


Don’t be embarrassed, I don’t know either…I can say though that they’re HUGE, think about like a gallon, maybe a bit more or less of olives…

I love olives. My kids love olives. Ordered one gigantic barrel of pitted and one gigantic barrel of non-pitted last time these were offered before Xmas.





However, to be fair to w00t, they did give me a refund.

Seems like I scarfed through a tub of the unpitted (nonpitted?) olives surprisingly fast, but a followup tub of pitted olives I obtained has been less interesting. I don’t know if I’ve just lost interest in olives in general, or actually find the pitted olives to be less attractive to eat. I think I prefer the consistency of the unpitted olives, and it seems that the brine overwhelms the pitted olives since the inside of the olives is more exposed. I like the idea of a quick water rinse. I’ll try it.

haha… wtf

For those of you interested, it is 2 kg of olives. That means roughly 4.4 lbs of olives before they add brine, which means a lot of olives. You can get jars at a local spice or kitchen store and break them up into smaller batches, but just make sure the brine covers the olives and seal tightly to reduce mold. Also make sure the inside of the jar is really clean to keep the uninvited mold guests to a minimum.

So I’m confused. Are these pitted or not?

At the top of the page
Product:1 2 kg Plastic Barrel with Pits

At the bottom of the page
In the box:

■Non-Pitted Olives (Fancy glass dish NOT included)

I’m assuming pitted as that’s all it lists when I go to purchase it.

They still have their pits. “with pits” and “Non-Pitted” say the same thing. They still have the pits in them and have NOT been pitted.

I think I just realized I"m stoooooopid.

lol, thanks. I had just realized it.

I am confused as to your confusion.

Wouldn’t “With pits” mean the same thing as “non-pitted”?

They are not pitted, non-pitted… including pits, with pits… they do not have the pits removed and therefore include the pits!

Edit: Dang people posting while I type out my reply! :frowning:

Sigh… You all need to buy a lot more olives!!!

Clearly they will still be here in the morning. Night all. Wake me when the wine hits!