
Wait… is this a kissing shirt?

Are there woots ahead?
If there are, we all be dead!

This is why the derby should decide, sometimes the editor makes awful choices, like today.

Does anybody want a peanut?

protip: It’s silver.

We call this color: As Silver as a polished

We call this color: as black as a thousand midnights. Under a full moon.

NO MORE Rhymes now, I MEAN IT!!



I had the absolute hardest time trying to figure this out. The real problem is not the joke but the fact that not all of the figures are obviously the letter they stand for. Having all the symbols on the same line would have helped to make it more legible (perhaps?)

Guhhh I said no more light gray shirts but TPB transcends all self-made rules. In for one.

Well, they are working on Bill & Ted 3…

What a big piece of garbage this shirt is. I would rather wear a shirt that says “This shirt is a big piece of garbage.” than wear this shirt.

This shirt rocks!

Really wish they had the “click to view the whole shirt” thing still going, though… I couldn’t read the text or see detail on some of the more recent shirts. :frowning:

It’s inconceivable that this is only available in the one nasty gray color. Otherwise I’d be in for 3.

Ahhh, a noble cause. This shirt is my true love.

It’s the peace sign given by the six fingered man, silly :slight_smile:

damn you all! There are like 20 hilarious responses in this thread and I can’t upvote any of you! We should cross-post this over into deals so I can vote up your great comments.

Btw - the wallet sound, and the shortage of perfect shirts comments both get extra props for making me laugh out loud at my cube. You people are making me look like a blubbering idiot at work!

Heck with it – I cross-posted:

Not only have we shown it to our children, but my son’s Language Arts teacher in Middle School showed it to the 7th grade class. Not just as a “let’s have a lazy day and watch a movie” thing, but to study, critique and be tested on. There’s so much to the movie – it’s definitely a classic.

And “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure” a classic? Inconceivable!

William Goldman.

Marathon Man

Some of the best fiction ever written.

In my opinion, and I’ve been saying it for years, Princess Bride is the only movie that was better than the book.

Love it!!! Was hoping this would make it through the second chance derby. Thanks for making it an editor’s pick :slight_smile:

It’s a good thing that shrieking eels don’t shrek, and also that the SHRIEK! is indeed a shriek. I’m not claiming the I is not difficult to make out from a distance, but it fits the font :wink: That was a fairly pointless way for me to point out the pointedly obvious. Back to studying land wars in Asia, I guess.