Indepen-Crap (Title by radar01)

I was already signed in and thanks to WootStalker I clicked on it with plenty of time to go.

Unfortunately, I hadn’t bought anything from Woot in ages and my card had expired.

Maybe there will be another before this Woot-Off ends.

I just bought one… totally on autopilot. Wootstalker popped it up and I clicked the purchase button without even thinking about it. When… oh when will I learn?

Maybe I’ll be really fortunate and snag one of those refurb Kindle Keyboards. Of course, knowing my luck it will probably be wallpaper borders again. Tons and tons of wallpaper borders. Perhaps it’s time to invest in a wall that can actually be papered? :slight_smile:

got my first one in several years.
Actually had to re enter my cc info as I just had fraud on my cc yesterday and had to get a replacement card but still somehow got it all done in time

Time Truck.

Got mine, My wife has dubbed me the Crap King, not sure if that is a good thing or not. But, I have a knack of getting us both craps regularly…

I informed my Crap Guard Cat to be ready, he has been sad lately as we threw out the boxes from the last craps. He sleeps on top of them.

Oops, sorry for my misinformedness!