Into the Crapiness

Into the Crapiness
Price: $5
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Unknown (Friday, Jan 23 to Wednesday, Jan 28) + transit
Condition: Really Crappy


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Got to place your order…and denied.

Server error this time

Damn. That one sold out even before it hit the front page. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gone as it showed up

not even a chance to hit buy, already sold out! stupid


That was definitely suckin’! No BOC again…

Wow! are they just selling 1 BOC each time?

Strike 4!

why does it keep logging me out?

It comes up sold out!

Server error!! 3rd time in a row.

I now have 16 BOC in my cart all missed!

just ridiculous Constantly refreshing and sold out when pops up? Way to alienate a longtime customer Woot

Got one! :slight_smile:

Had one in my cart, got to the last step and it sold out as it was processing. Oh well, at least there are more chances!