Introducing Your Contenders for Derby #69: Miniature Worlds

Congrats to the winners…I have to say though I’m sad that snowflake isn’t there.

I will sadly miss the penguin. No further comment.

I want the snowflake!

Darn, I wanted Snowflake too. :frowning: Though Pocket Dinosaur is adorable.

Derby #69 End Estimates by

1st Place:
Fog’d: 6 days, 0 hours
Nanonauts (1740 estimated votes)
by: tgentry

2nd Place:
Fog’d: 5 days, 14 hours
The Dandy Lion (1120 estimated votes)
by: kdeuce

3rd Place:
Fog’d: 1 hours, 9 minutes
Pocket Dinosaur (942 estimated votes)
by: jamescho84

4th Place:
Fog’d: 41 minutes
People of the Fireflies (942 estimated votes)
by: houmadesigns

Let’s hope you’re right, cwarrington. A tie would satisfy :slight_smile:

Add my voice to those sad over the loss of the cute little penguin.

mine as well. why is it the ones I like always get bumped out at the last second?

I have no idea. I watched it yesterday and it was ahead up until I went to bed very late last night.

Yeah, happens to me too… Sigh.

sad to see the penguin gone. :frowning:

but curious… what happens in the event of a tie? it looks like we may have a tie on 3rd?

Aw. Happy to see Nanonauts, sad to see no penguin.

Why is it the ones that have huge similarities to existing shirts never get bumped at any second?

Both shirts would be sold. You’d get both for $10 the first day. After the first day, they are broken up and you can get them for $15 each like any other shirt.

At least, this is how Woot has handled ties in the past.

WOW, puts snowflake ONE VOTE behind the two tied for 3rd place. Talk about “near miss”.

This’ll be the first derby ever where I purchase all three of the finalists!
Congrats to everyone!

Im so glad that stupid penguin shirt isnt on here :slight_smile:
I will be buying the dandy lion!

Congrats to all of the contenders!

I was planning on buying the snowflake/penguin for my mom…darnit! Guess it’s another derby selling weekend in which I sit out and don’t buy. :confused: has shown ties before when designs are in and out of the fog too much for the software to figure out the right vote count. All we know for sure is that Pocket Dinosaur and People of the Fireflies must each have at least one more vote than the Snowflake/Penguin. It is likely that they do not have the same amount of votes. Not that I would complain if they do!