Ion Audio U-Cast Podcasting Kit

Where is Woot’s podcast for this item?

The microphone quality is rather nice. Can’t go wrong here even if you’re just a gamer!

This seems to be the microphone - Link

I saw the freaky one with the red lips when I was in North Carolina last month. I think they may have given head at least once…

This should come with two turntables.

I had picked this up here on Woot back in May. It’s a mid-range quality device. Good solid build and a decent sound. Headphones are okay but if you are most folks here you already have piles of them. Haven’t even touched the enclosed software so can’t comment on that…

I’m glad to see they put the head back to work after sitting on woot happy hour for so long.

Podcasting? Like anyone wants to hear a word I have to say. Really, woot, this is what was laying about?

Oh well …lost a sale on this one.