iRobot Roomba Virtual Wall

In for 3! Great price.

A wall, but no Roomba for it to play with? That makes me a saaaaaad panda.

BEHOLD, A ROOMBA!..accessory?

Can I build a virtual house out of these?

Scafolding, the woot off died!!!

I think 80% of what woot sells is Roombas and Sansa mp3 players…the rest combined is what we all care about!

good deal.

In for 3…can’t have too many of these things!

Anyone get a Roomba earlier?

But I need 4 so I can put my Roomba in a Box.

Woot, you are such a tease!!! I’ve been waiting somewhat patiently for a roomba to come visit today’s woot off and then you go and tease me with the virtual wall? You ought to be blushing! Now, how about that roomba?

Almost bought one. Then I realized I don’t have a roomba and this sure isn’t one.

Works with the previously offered golf clubs!

The “story” for this was one of the greatest that I’d read so far.

And the product itself? Genius.

no but you can build a virtual moat around your dogs food and really tick it off :slight_smile:

How do I know if these will work with my Roomba model?

500 series next please??

get three and put it in a triangle… lol

How can I tell if my Roomba is compatible? It says 400 series, but I don’t see any such indication on my Roomba. Any help?